Published on 06/19/2017 8:21 am
Asset Repositioning in Multifamily Properties

Investing in multifamily asset repositioning program is one way of introducing the improvements and maintaining the market value of your property. Asset repositioning involves thorough consideration and planning between property owners/investors and renovation contractors. If you are searching for ways to enhance the value of your multifamily property and improve your financial standing, hire a professional renovation contractor to plan and execute asset repositioning or disaster restoration (if needed) for your property. 

This blog post is prepared to help you understand how asset repositioning is profitable for your business.


Investing in asset repositioning program has its own share of advantages, some of which include:

Revamping the property with modern amenities suited to meet the varied needs of the millennials. This will help you attract renters who won’t minding paying more money to rent a unit in a modern multifamily setting.

Plan for the future with cost saving benefits such as replacing old lighting systems, plumbing installations, and HVAC systems.

Improve property’s value with modern, environment friendly approach, while decreasing operating cost and increase income, at the same time.

Occupancy by reliable tenants, resulting in lower rent delinquency.

How it is Done

Improving the Appeal

Aesthetic appeal of the multifamily property is what attracts renters. During renovation of the property invest in some common elements, such as installing proper signage, resurfacing parking lots, and changing the exterior and interior finishing. These changes, when executed perfectly, will ensure that your property stands out in the neighbor and attract prospects when they are evaluating their options.

Structural Changes

Structural changes to a property includes changing lighting systems, revamping the masonry and plumbing, adding amenities such as a entertainment rooms, swimming pool, and pet parks. All these are cost intensive decisions and require thorough consideration and planning with the contractor. If executed as planned, structural changes can enhance the building’s value proposition and its rentability.

Altering the Operations

Changing the management of the property too can help improve the building’s value proposition. Setting up online rental payment and complaint portal, for instance, saves renters from regularly visiting administrative office for rent payment and registering their complaints.

Energy Efficient Improvements

Energy consumption rate of your multifamily property can have a substantial effect on its overall operational cost. A strategic energy management plan not only lowers the energy bills, but also make you eligible for a number of tax benefits. Go for star-rated equipment energy efficient improvements to get tax rebates.

Wrapping Up

There is no doubt that an asset repositioning project can help you reposition your property on the market, but doing it the right way requires professional assistance. Look for an experienced and reputable multifamily renovation contractor who can help you plan and execute interior and exterior renovation aligned with growing market trends. Read online reviews about the contractor services, before making the final decision.

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Multifamily Renovations